Register to Vote! 

The General Election has been called for Thursday 4th July 2024

The deadline for registering to vote is Tuesday 18th June. 

International Students

In the upcoming General Election on Thursday, 4th July 2024, British citizens, Irish citizens, and 

qualifying Commonwealth citizens will be eligible to vote as long as they are registered to vote and have valid photo ID.

That means that if you are an international student in the UK, you may be eligible to vote.

Click Here to Check


Why register to vote?

10% Voterturn out:

Students and apprentices make up around 10% of the voting population. This substantial group can greatly influence election outcomes. When students vote, they can collectively sway the results, ensuring that their interests are represented in government policies.

Voice in Policy Making:

Students have unique perspectives and concerns that differ from other demographics. Voting ensures that their voices are heard and considered in policy decisions that affect education, tuition fees, housing, and employment opportunities.

Future Impact:

The policies set by the government today will significantly impact students' futures, including job prospects, economic stability, and social services. Voting is a way to influence these long-term outcomes and help shape a better future.

Accountability and Representation:

Voting holds goverments accountable and ensures that they represent the interests of their constituents. When students vote, they help elect representatives who are more likely to address and prioritize issues relevant to the student community.

Civic Engagement and Responsibility:

Voting fosters a sense of civic duty and engagement. It encourages students to be informed about political issues, understand the workings of their government, and participate actively in the democratic process, contributing to a more vibrant and inclusive society.


Register to Vote

Register Online

Click here to register

(You may need your National Insurance number and/or your passport if you're a British citizen living abroad)

Register by Post

Click here to register by post





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Birkbeck Students’ Union is a charitable incorporated organisation (CIO) registered in England and Wales, charity number 1142614.

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