About Us

The Birkbeck International Students' Network is a place for all people from around the world to thrive. It's a place to meet new people, make lifelong friends and even simply have a good time. Having this network is incredibly important, it allows for the sharing of culture, beliefs and values. We host mixers, events and socials throughout the year.

Everyone is Welcome and we look forward to seeing you all soon!

Contact us


-This year our Education Student Leader (Ellie) & Welfare Student Leader (William) are helping run the network-



Nominations are currently open for the following positions:  

  • Chair  

  • Secretary  

  • Treasurer  

Students must be a member of our network to apply. For more information, please follow this link.


Please log in to join this organisation.
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© Birkbeck Students' Union

Birkbeck Students’ Union is a charitable incorporated organisation (CIO) registered in England and Wales, charity number 1142614.

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