A bit about me...

What is your role?
As an ambassador for the Birkbeck Students, my area is focused on being the student lead for Welfare. The role consists in firstly, being a voice for all students. This is the most important part of my role as it will help to highlight areas in need of change within the University, for student to have a better experience in higher education. This also gives the role a more personal touch and validation to changes that are put forward to the university. My responsibility as the student welfare lead is to improve the facilities here at Birkbeck in lines with what our students want. These include updating student spaces, to change and develop student services, to drive campaigns or host events.

Tell us a bit about yourself...
I was born in London but raised in Hertfordshire, and now I'm finally back in London studying Philosophy. I’m a 20-year-old male (he/him) in my second year of study. I have chosen to study Philosophy because of my love for debate and its nature to try and answer life's big questions. I am really passionate about students get the educational experience they deserve and about creating a society that people feel comfortable in / what to be a part of. Before working in this position, I have had a few different jobs including working in local government and the management of a historic house.

Why did you run in the elections?
The reason I stood in the elections was to be the bridge between students and staff within the University. I have the ability to established views from all areas of our Birkbeck Community in order to make studying at Birkbeck better for both the students and staff. I was the representative for year 1 philosophy here at Birkbeck and then I moved onto the Student Council as the academic Member for Philosophy. I feel my contribution has made an impact in these roles and now I feel like I can do more for Birkbeck students. Another reason that I stood in the election was to feel more connected to all students. This would then allow me to listen to their issues and with University and SU help, resolve them in a way that will work for all. Finally, I have a great passion for change and making society a place where people can be who they want to be.

Tell us a fun fact about yourself?
My Favourite TV show is Doctor Who (New Who seasons 1-8)



My Manifesto


What are your goals for the year?
Coming soon.


Contact Me


Email: w.sarenden@bbk.ac.uk

© Birkbeck Students' Union

Birkbeck Students’ Union is a charitable incorporated organisation (CIO) registered in England and Wales, charity number 1142614.

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