Birkbeck Students’ Union International Student Officer Update

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Birkbeck International Students

Unfortunately, the International Students’ Liberation Leader for 2023/2024 has stepped down due to personal reasons. The whole SU team sends our best wishes and is grateful for the lasting impact they have made this year.

Due to financial reasons, the SU cannot run a By-election for the position this year. We completely understand the need for International representation and the need for the network, so we have decided to split the responsibilities between the elected Education Student Leader and the Welfare Student Leader, Ellie and William. This same decision was made early this year for the Trans Liberation Leader to take on the additional responsibilities of the LGBTQ+ Liberation Leader, due to that officer stepping down. Given our financial situation and the fact that there was no By-election done for the LGBTQ+ role, we believe this is the best decision given the situation.


We believe in the manifesto drafted by the previous International Students’ Liberation Leader during their campaign and for this reason, it is still a priority for us this academic year. Given the additional responsibilities for some of the officers, the Scrutiny Panel will be reviewing the progress made in these areas to ensure accountability is considered.


If you are an international student who needs help or has any questions that the SU can help with, please email: or contact us through Instagram @internationalbbk and we would be happy to help you or point you in the right direction.


We are all still looking forward to the year ahead and look forward to seeing you all on campus.


Best wishes,

Ellie Rivera – Education Student Leader

William Sarenden - SU Chair & Welfare Student Leader

Artemi Falzon – Trans Liberation Leader

& The SU Team



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Birkbeck Students’ Union is a charitable incorporated organisation (CIO) registered in England and Wales, charity number 1142614.

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